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"The fantastical portrayals of dementia are visually arresting. The puppet Alfi is deservedly the star of the show!'' -Everything Theatre for  Dark Matter

Performing Dementia is a ground-breaking project that showcases two puppetry plays: “Angeleta & Etelvina” and “Dark Matter”. The project aims to raise awareness of Dementia through engaging performances and puppetry workshops.


Angeleta & Etelvina by Around the Glove is a bitter-sweet comedy about two sisters who, having grown old and bitter together, are now struggling with dementia. It's a journey through clouded memories, love and flatulence. 


Amongst the clutter of boxes, Etelvina is packing the last of Angeleta's things, ready for her to go to the care home tomorrow.

The two sisters have grown old, bitter and flatulent together, but now Angeleta's Dementia is becoming too much for Etelvina to bear.

Being the older of the two, Etelvina has always resented her spoiled younger sister, but now Angeleta can't take care of herself anymore, her hallucinations are getting worse, and she's been attacking the hairdresser with scissors again.

As Etelvina packs, Angeleta's possessions provoke shared memories between them and they end up on a journey together through the clouded past.


Dark Matter is set in a contemporary Care Home, we use object animation, puppetry and experiments with light, shadows and video-art, be ready to descend into the hallucinatory mind of Alfi who suffers from dementia. A story about a man at the twilight of his life, fighting to reclaim the most important thing: himself.


Both shows use the power and benefits of puppetry performance as a creative medium to explore the journey of a person suffering from dementia but from two different angles: The exploration of the brain of a character with dementia who travels through memories and hallucinations and the experience of a carer (sister) who deals on a daily basis with a person with dementia. The result is an exploration of the inner and outer reality of Dementia, which is both touching and heart-warming.

"I loved the story, the characters and performers, the atmosphere, shadows and music. It was moving and fun. Lovely production."-Audience feedback for Angeleta & Etelvina FIRSTS Festival at The Little Angel Theatre


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